Penny Dreadful City of Angels Season 1 Recap Podcast

The full team are here for the Penny Dreadful City of Angels Season 1 Recap Podcast. Joining us once again for our spoiler filled chat about the whole show is Rey from Into the Knight THE Moon Knight podcast.

Penny Dreadful City of Angels Season 1 Recap

Penny Dreadful: City Of Angels Showrunner/Created by: John Logan

Penny Dreadful Season 1 Cast

Special guest host Rey

Rey is the regular host of “Into The Knight the Moon Knight Podcast” and “Last Sons of Krypton a Superman podcast”. We were delighted to have him rejoin us to talk Penny Dreadful. He’s currently covering “The Age of Konshu” on Into the Knight, a six issue Marvel comics event centered around Moon Knight. Check out his other podcasts on Spotify or on any other podcast catcher.

Penny Dreadful City of Angels Season 1 Recap

The Lady of the Holy Death, Santa Muerte and her Demon sister Magda discuss the fate of mankind. Magda believes that “All mankind needs to be the monster he truly is is being told he can.” and wants to prove it to Santa Muerte. Magda kills a group of Mexican farm workers including Jose Vega. As Jose dies in her arms Santa Muerte protects his young son Tiago leaving him scarred for life.
In 1938 on his first day as the only Mexican American Detective in the LAPD Tiago Vega is confronted by the grizzly murder of The Hazletts, a rich white family from Beverly Hills. Working with his Jewish partner, Lewis Michner, their investigation leads them to the Joyful Voices ministry where Tiago falls in love with his prime suspect in the case, Sister Molly Finnister. But Molly learns that her own mother, Miss Adelaide, had the Hazlett family murdered to protect their church’s wealth and influence. Adelaide used traditional Mexican iconography to hide the motive for the Hazlett’s deaths. Reeling from the revelation Sister Molly takes her own life and is welcomed into the arms of Santa Muerte.
Before Tiago’s arrival, Lewis Michener, had been fighting the creeping influence of the Nazi’s on LA with his friends Dottie, Sam, Anton and Jewish mafia boss Benny Berman. When Sam and Anton are murdered by the Nazi’s, the Jewish friends try to save a young scientist, Brian Koenig. Koenig has worked out the secret to rocket propelled flight which could give extend the Nazi’s weapon range all the way to the USA. When Michner learns that Brian Koenig is fascinated by the science of what he is creating and has no thought of the possible impacts, the detective chooses death for the young scientist.
Meanwhile throughout the city of angels, demon Magda creates various personas to influence susceptible men to ready the path for her arrival. When nation battles nation, race devours race and brother kills brother not a soul will be left and Magda will appear.
Her first persona Alex takes the form of a mousy personal assistant to closeted gay Councilman Charlton Townsend. Working with German architect Herr Richard Goss, Alex encourages Townsend to get support for a road through immigrant populations in Los Angeles by promising him greater power in the city. They keep the councilman in check by arranging a relationship with Kurt, a handsome but dangerous gestapo officer.
The second, Rio, is a co leader of a flamboyant Mexican American group, the Pachucos. She influences Tiago’s younger brother Mateo Vega to murder the racist abuser Officer Reilly igniting tensions between the Mexican Americans residents and the LAPD. When Tiago finds out it was his brother who murdered the officer he pins it and the murder of the Hazlett family on another member of the Pachuco’s a patsy Diego Lopez. Diego believes he has a powerful hold over Tiago but on his transfer to San Quentin State Prison Lewis Michener is unable to protect the boy from the violent bigotted cops who bind Lewis and lynch Diego on the streets of his hometown.
A third persona, German immigrant Elsa is trying to influence another German immigrant, Doctor Peter Kraft, to embrace his family’s legacy as warmongers to lead his German-American Bundt organisation into an influential Nazi supporting lobby group. To achieve this goal she creates a fourth manifestation, Frank, who creates a rift between the Kraft family and their beloved housekeeper Tiago’s mother Maria Vega.
Magda also takes advantage of a standoff between the LAPD and the workers union, led by Tiago’s brother Raul Vego, to whisper in the ears of both sides to turn the confrontation violent. Raul is left with a life threatening injury until his mother Maria calls on the power of Santa Muerte to save him. Raul is forever changed by his brush with death but believes he has a purpose yet to be fulfilled.
As Tiago mourns the loss of Sister Molly, Magda pays a silent visit to him. The ground is now prepared for her arrival and Tiago will have a part to play.

Our Penny Dreadful Pub Quiz Answers

Episode 1 Question: What is Detective Santiago Vega’s L.A.P.D. badge number?

Answer: His badge Number is 815

Episode 2 Question: What book is Dr Kraft reading that is soon to be adapted into a film which Detective Mechener and his friends are discussing as they tail Herr Goss?

Answer: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (1936)

Episode 3 Question: What investigation gave Captain Vanderhof sleepless nights when he was a detective with the L.A.P.D.?

Answer: Florence Moore case. It was based on the case of Marion Parker a 12 year old who was murdered in a similar way in 1927 by her fathers ex employee

Episode 4 Question: Just between us girls…what drink does Linda Kraft quaff during her son’s birthday party?

Answer: Whiskey Sour

Episode 5 Question: What swashbuckling action movie was advertised when Tiago and Lewis went to visit Officer James Rielly’s “Sonoratown honey” Sofia?

Answer: The Adventures of Robin Hood starring Errol Flynn.

Episode 6 Question: What soda does Diego ask for while being interrogated by Lewis and Tiago?

Answer: A can of Nehi (Knee-High)

Episode 7 Question: What plays does Dottie Minter recount from her days with her father at the Yiddish Theater?

Answer: King Lear, something something and a number of their own plays in Yiddish. 

Episode 8 Question: What does Maria cook up for Trevor and Tommy as a treat as they listen to the radio?

Answer: Popcorn

Episode 9 Question: What game does Dottie teach Brian Koenig to play? Tip she mentions it on a phone call with Lewis?

Answer: Mahjong

Episode 10 Question: What sauce is Benny Burman cooking up at the Vega family residence and what recipe does he promise to reciprocate to mama Maria Vega?

Answer: Mole (traditional Mexican marinade and sauce) – Rugelach (Yiddish for twists, is a Jewish pastry like a croissant)

Thanks so much to all of you who entered the Crimson Cat Pub Quiz. The listener who got the most points was…

Congratulations Brianna!

We’ve added our question for the final episode to our list of questions for the Pub Quiz. You can find them all here

Made Possible with Patreon

This series of Penny Dreadful is made possible by our supporters on Patreon. You can follow and support us here:

The music for our Penny Dreadful City of Angels Dreadful podcast is an edited version of “Latina” from Hicham Chahidi and is used under Creative Commons licence

That’s the end of our Penny Dreadful City of Angels Season 1 coverage. Thanks to all of our fellow Penny Faithful for joining us for our coverage of Penny Dreadful right from the beginning. We will return with more Penny Dreadful City of Angels when the show gets it’s second season. If you want to join us for more TV Talk come over to We’re about to begin our Umbrella Academy on Netflix coverage with Season 2 beginning on July 31st. We’re then heading back to The Boys on Amazon Prime in September.

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